Music Therapy for Mental Health

Picture of Monica Lewis
Monica Lewis
music therapy for mental health

Music Therapy for Mental Health

Table of Contents

There is music and sounds all around us. Some music and sounds can bring us comfort and put smiles on our faces. Other sounds and music can make us feel sad, especially when we associate it with the loss of a loved one. As you can see, music can affect our emotions and mental health. As such, it is the perfect tool to use as part of music therapy for mental health treatment.

Group music therapy for mental health

What Is Music Therapy for Mental Health?

According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy for mental health is defined as “the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program.”

So what exactly does this mean? It means that music therapy uses music in an individual or group counseling setting. A therapist works one-on-one with the individual to determine what types of music and sound would be most appropriate for their mental health and well-being.

For example, if you have a favorite playlist of songs that always makes you want to get up and dance, give you energy, and improve your mood, these songs could be included in your sessions.

On the other hand, you enjoy listening to the sound of rain or waves crashing on the beach. These sounds help you alleviate stress and anxiety while making you feel calm and relaxed. So, again, your therapist could incorporate these sounds into your personalized therapy treatment.

What Are the Health Benefits of Music Therapy?

  • It can help improve self-image, self-esteem, and self-awareness. Mental health therapy requires one to look inward to determine why they feel the way they feel and how those feelings and emotions affect them.

    Music and sounds can help someone uncover their best qualities, which can boost their self-image, self-esteem, and self-awareness while assisting them in gaining insight into themselves.

  • It can help with the development of effective coping strategies. Whether treating mental illness or addiction, coping strategies are essential to recovery. Coping strategies help alleviate symptoms while attempting to keep a person grounded. Applying music as a coping strategy can help with relaxation, breathing patterns, stress and anxiety relief, and more.
  • It can help alleviate frustration. It is easy to get frustrated when therapy and treatment do not progress as fast as someone envisioned. The use of music and sounds can help a person relax and become less frustrated. Therapy sessions can also help a person develop how to process their frustration, reflect on its causes, and help them let go.
  • It reinforces positive behaviors. Similar to how drugs and alcohol reinforce addictive behaviors, music therapy does the same with positive behaviors. Music therapy can help someone discover which emotions are tied to positive experiences and how to use those feelings to express emotions non-verbally or verbally to others when one needs to communicate their needs or feelings.
  • It can help repair damaged relationships. Both addiction and mental health disorders can ruin relationships with family and friends. Music therapy can help someone improve their social and communication skills that they can later transfer to family counseling sessions or use when making amends to take the initial steps to repair damaged relationships.

When Should Music Therapy Be Used?

Music therapy helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help with these conditions:

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Mood Swings
  • Low Confidence Levels
  • Decreased Immunity
  • Problems Focusing and Concentrating
  • Expressing Negative Feelings and Emotions
  • Unresolved Past Traumas or PTSD
  • Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders
  • Dementia
  • Autism
  • Personality Disorders
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Social Anxiety Disorders

So, when someone is experiencing any of these problems or conditions, they should consider exploring what it could do for their mental health and well-being.

Are There Different Types of Music Therapy?

Several types of music therapy can be used depending on the individual, their preferences, their needs, and other such factors, including:

  • Listening to music and songs
  • Learning how to play different musical instruments
  • Learning how to chant or sing
  • Learning how to dance to music
  • Learning how to write music
  • Listening to sounds or music for meditation and mindfulness experiences

Does Music Therapy Work for Everyone?

Music can be quite powerful and affect our emotions and feelings. However, music therapy’s effectiveness depends on the individual’s commitment to participate in their recovery. It will not be as effective in the following situations:

  • The person is only interested in one form of therapy
  • The person does not like music
  • The person wants to quickly fix what is wrong with them while ignoring the underlying causes
  • The person does not place any value on the therapeutic benefits of music therapy
  • The person expects immediate results or improvements.

Music Therapy Mental Health Treatment in Dunwoody, GA Today

Whether you are struggling with addiction or a mental health disorder, help is available at Southern Live Oak Wellness in Dunwoody, GA. Music therapy can be a part of your personalized treatment program. For further information or to start music therapy today, contact us today.


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